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Please give me a call at 303-670-9468 if you'd like to be put on our waiting list for labradoodle puppies which are born in August every year. The site is: www.sunnybankdoodles.com

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Goats in the Barn

Last night, admittedly tipsy, G & I came home from Tuscany's to surprise a couple of goats in the barn.  

Poor Harry, he'd never been in a thunderstorm or seen umbrellas pop open.  Now he'll think that is just a precedent to even scarier stuff.  We walked the dogs in the pouring rain just to the barn to let the horses in.  

G walked into Teddy's stall, "Oh my god, what is this..." 

A large black animal streaked from barn light into the darkness.  The dogs went after it.  A smaller black thing ran to G bleating.  

"They're goats!  Stop the dogs!"

I grabbed for them, missed, and chased them around the barn.  They raced back in, hot on the trail of the larger goat.  G jumped on two dogs, falling to the ground with them.  He stuck them in the tack room, then while I was outside calling, he got Woody in there too.  Poor Harry was skittering here and there, afraid to be caught and unnerved by the commotion.  He'd never seen a goat either.  Eddie kept his tail up and dashed around, terrier alert and ready for action.

G tried to get the goats to come back, but they'd taken off into the pasture.  The horses were a galloping mental mess, so he couldn't get them into the stalls (since Hayley was working at Mimi's and would get home late).  So we gave up, and I let the dogs out of the tack room.  Toby took off into the pasture.  We tried to call him back, having seen what the pack could do to fawns a couple of times.  He was gone though.  Then we heard coyotes start up their yipping down there.  

I brought the dogs inside, where Harry immediately sought refuge on the couch, and Woody climbed onto the green chair.  After dragging their wet, miserable bodies off, I covered them with blankets and hugged them on the floor.  They were so upset!  Eddie and Ellie plopped down beside us.  

Then the lights went on on the deck.  A pistol fired.  

"Toby!  Come!"  G was trying to scare off the coyotes.  

G eventually got soaked getting the horses back in, which was a challenge I guess.  All the dogs were upset that he was upset with them, and they slunk downstairs to pile on the people beds, preferably on top of the people.  Toby put his head between my shoulder blades.  Harry kept his head up, looking into the mirror for 10 minutes, before finally nodding off and letting it fall on the covers. 

I really thought it was the bear in there, at first.  Wonder what happened to the goats?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

G goes to Walmart

For a look into future, check out http://pakulakmadness.blogspot.com/2008/04/yet-another-wal-mart-story.html

Rose always knew her boy was capable of that sort of thing.  Well, he's just grown up is all--able to accomplish a lot more now.  It's beginning with yesterday's grocery trip...somehow G picks up random unmarked produce items like dried chilies and serrano peppers that it takes the cashier minutes to identify.  Meanwhile, he moves from the bagging area to look over her shoulder and try to help.  Then the frozen turkey comes up unmarked and has to be weighed and keyed in.  He attempts to do a little assistance there too, all of which takes place at the cashier lady's right shoulder.  At least he forgot to check for bullets in the sporting goods department, which was his reason for going shopping in the first place.  Don't worry, he's far from depressed, just did a little shooting in the back forty over the weekend and needed to replenish supplies.

Eddie turned two on Thursday, and Woody turns five today.  Told Hayley we could celebrate their birthdays together, and she said, no, Eddie hates to share the limelight.  However, as you can see, his b-day was not very exciting.  In fact, Hayley deserted him Thursday night to go out with friends.  Just wait till he turns twenty....

Also to the left is Harold, pictured with the watering can.  Now that it's Memorial Day, we folks at 8200 feet are able to plant, or so goes the traditional wisdom.  The 10-day forecast is for highs in the 50's and lows in the 30's, so I'm not sure I'm willing to put my little seedlings out yet.  They've been coddled since March, with me acting as butler carrying their trays out to the sunshine on nice days and not forgetting even once to bring them in for the night.  I'm sure there's a hailstorm waiting to happen.  After all, Mr. Bear has not abided by the rules of the almanac.  He climbs into the dumpster of manure to search for anything edible and even resurfaces with stuff like  Q-tips and dental floss.  All the really good stuff's in the garage till pick up day, but I guess he feels the need to clean up after eating the neighbor's garbage.  The garbage man ran into me last week while I was carting stuff out in the Mini (garbage on the roof too) in my pj's, and he reported that our twice-monthly pick up neighbors to the west had their metal topped dumpters ravaged by Mr. Bear.  Don't you wish you lived around here?

Hayley is sleeping in after a late night at Mimi's.  She likes to say as she leaves the house, "I have to go to work, you know I'm the only one working around here."   She kinda has G's sense of humor.

Oh, yes, that painting to the right?  The one that's upside down in the dining room?  Notice Toby still has nothing in his gaping mouth.  Painting was put on hold a few weeks ago, but I do hope to get back into it soon.  Meanwhile, Mom's producing one canvas after another in her condo kitchen.  Lordy, she's having a ball! 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Vacation, Vacation!

Geoff's taking a vacation.  It's going to be a bit before r3 gets underway, so he'll have time to bike, golf, and kick back with me.  Yea!  For those of you in the know, it does have something to do with the litigation over his leaving Spartan....  What a gorgeous time of year for a break.  I think the garden and woods will look even better this year.

I took Ellie in for testing on Friday.  CERF & OFA.  Both vets reported normal findings, so we're good to go on the breeding.  I'll be comparing Beau & Clancy next week, to decide who the lucky dad's going to be.  We expect to breed in June.

Next trip coming up is Aspen for a couple of nights.  We're taking all the kids and 3 dogs, probably Ellie and Woody will stay home, because I expect Ellie to be in heat by then, and Woody does not handle car rides well.  

Andy & Hayley finished up their semesters at CU.  McKenzie can't wait to say she's done with 6th!  She & Samantha did a video called Haunting, about the history of ghosts in the Brook Forest Inn.  Really fun & well done!  They'll show it to their class this coming Friday.  Can anyone think of a food or candy to pass out that would go with it???  That would be the cherry on top.

We're continuing work on subdividing the property.  There will be a couple of 10 acre lots, then a 15 acre with the house, barn, and a pasture.  To accomplish this, we'll need to purchase water through a water augmentation plan, then do surveying and platting....  But when we're done, we'll be able to build the new house on the lot we bought in town (across the street from Mom's condo) while still living here.  That's if we can sell the two lots first.  It'll be nice not to have to move twice.  All this is probably a year and a half down the road.

Suddenly, the grass is green and we're a week away from planting flowers.  So many birds have burst into song. It just smells like spring!  As usual, we've gone from a few feet of snow to practically summer, but I'm used to it by now and it seems like the right way of changing seasons.  If anyone wants to come and visit, we have the guestroom whipped back into shape since the woodpecker invasion.  We'll be around a lot this summer, and Geoff will be off for a few weeks, it looks like.  So pack your bags and come on over! 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Renegade Flickers Roost in the Guest Room

Yesterday I painted G's office--2 accent walls--one in a golden Sahara Sands, the other in a pumpkin "Acorn Spice".  He says he's not sure about the pumpkin wall, but I say stick with it and Happy Thanksgiving.  Also had a golf lesson.  Can you believe this?  Several times I did it...used the whole new golf swing and went right under the ball, so it landed back on the rubber tee.  Remarkable.  I actually hit better last week when I brought the junior clubs by mistake.  

Went into the beautiful, perfectly preserved guest room yesterday and surprised a couple of flickers, who went beserk.  Now there's a bunch of bird poop to clean up from them careening around.  They had found the perfect room to build their nest, and I ruined it.  One of them wouldn't vacate till Hayley took Eddie up the ladder to bark at it.  To the left is a picture of the hole they made in the wall, and of what a flicker is.  They're almost the size of pidgeons for ya'll who are city dwellers.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

just news

Yesterday, I helped Mom with buying and setting up some deck furniture.  The rug and the fountain really did wonders for the whole look.  She'll have to wait till freeze time is over, after Memorial Day, to fill the fountain and plug it in, but it's really nice.  Full size (waist high) and simple, just water over a filial, plus not made of cement, but a lighter weight material, it makes a lovely pattering and gurgling.  Her table and chairs are Bistro style, and the chairs are all padded rattan, and they swivel and tilt.  Very comfy.  She was so excited, she broke out in hives!

Still lots to do here, as with the new venture, things have slid sideways fast.  McK and I plan to take a walk around the new property before school this morning.  So I'm off...and grateful life is working out.  The weather is going to be 70's-80's and sunny.

Oh yea, the bear came out of hibernation over the weekend and raided the dumpster big time.  His favorites this time are yogurt (licked clean) and refried beans.  Theory is that manure in the dumpster will deter bears, but that's been proven wrong.  Garbage truck comes this morning--better load our garbage in the truck and roar out there right now.  Guess I'll go for the walk in my pj's.



Cleo at 6 months

Cleo at 6 months
Super sweet girl. (named chloe in babyhood)



Clyde at 6 months

Clyde at 6 months
In babyhood, he was Jasper.







Pablo at 6 months

Pablo at 6 months
Pablo was Kirby in babyhood

Mia at 6 months

Mia at 6 months

Remy at 6 mos

Remy at 6 mos

Remy at 6 months

Remy at 6 months
Remy was Tinkerbell in babyhood

Harry at Christmas

Harry at Christmas
Here's our puppy at almost 5 months old!

Wild Thing Gabriella

Wild Thing Gabriella
She got a trim around the eyes after this picture--11 weeks old


Usually with one ear in the water bowl -- 11 weeks old


Izzy Star and Toby take a nap


the rag doll look


Cloe curled up asleep. Her coat's getting wavy.

Geoff holds Cloe

Geoff holds Cloe
Leggy girl! Very spry.


First to see, now very observant.


The quiet, sweet, gentle apricot.

Almost enough fur for winter

Almost enough fur for winter
Amazing coats on these guys!

Must be Tink

Must be Tink
Only Tinkerbell, the tiniest, has this cute face.

Kirby the Great

Kirby the Great
He's a Viking who loves to eat!


Who'll take me?

Scooter & Lambie Pie

Scooter & Lambie Pie
7 weeks